![Our technology. Your success. Pumps - Valves - Service](/rs/050-CAG-466/images/Amarex%20cropped.jpg)
![Our technology. Your success. Pumps - Valves - Service](/rs/050-CAG-466/images/Amarexcropped2.jpg)
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Große Auswahl, höchste Qualität: KSB bietet breites Portfolio an Pumpen, Armaturen und Service-Leistungen
Durch das breite und tiefe Sortiement ist KSB in der Lage, für alle Einsatzgebiete der Heizungstechnik/Klimatechnik/Lüftungstechnik die passenden Komponenten zu liefern - für Familien- und Hochhäuser ebenso wie für Bahnhöfe und Rechenzentren.
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Amarex KRT
Gate valve to DIN/EN with flanged or butt wels ends, pressure seal design, body of forged or welded construction, non-rotating stem pressure seal design.
Amarex KRT
Gate valve to DIN/EN with flanged or butt wels ends, pressure seal design, body of forged or welded construction, non-rotating stem pressure seal design.
Amarex KRT
Gate valve to DIN/EN with flanged or butt wels ends, pressure seal design, body of forged or welded construction, non-rotating stem pressure seal design.
This is a h2 headline
Amarex KRT
Gate valve to DIN/EN with flanged or butt wels ends, pressure seal design, body of forged or welded construction, non-rotating stem pressure seal design.
Amarex KRT
Gate valve to DIN/EN with flanged or butt wels ends, pressure seal design, body of forged or welded construction, non-rotating stem pressure seal design.
Amarex KRT
Gate valve to DIN/EN with flanged or butt wels ends, pressure seal design, body of forged or welded construction, non-rotating stem pressure seal design.